FLUTE, Flavio Alziati

A former pupil of the Scuola Civica di Musica in Milan, he graduated in 1982, continuing his education with M° M. Larrieu and M° W. Bennett. From 1985 to 1988, he was a student of M° P. L. Graf.

Since 1987 he has collaborated as first flute with the main Italian orchestras: Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Filarmonica della Scala, Cameristi della Scala, RAI in Turin, Teatro Regio in Turin, Teatro Comunale in Bologna, Teatro la Fenice in Venice, Teatro dell'Opera in Rome, Pomeriggi Musicali in Milan, Orchestra Regionale Toscana, Orchestra Toscanini in Parma. He has played with conductors such as Z. Metha, F. Luisi, K. Petrenko, R. Chailly, S. Bychkov, H. Haenchen, H. Blomstedt, M. Whun Chung, A. Noseda, D. Harding, G. Bertini, and G. Sinopoli. Since 2000 he has been the First Flute at the orchestra of the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa. In 1991 he was eligible for the National Competition for roles in the Conservatories. Since 2018 he has been teaching at the Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado in Milan.